RETINA STIMULATION is designed to model the performance of reticulation operations in reservoir rock. This software allows the user to choose the optimal operation scenario by defining and comparing different conditions of the well, tank and reticulation gun and act accordingly. In the design of the shell of this software, an attempt has been made to create a user-friendly environment.
This product is a Windows (desktop) software with the following features:
- Simulating normal meshing operations
- Simulating sub-equilibrium meshing operation
- Simulation of hydraulic fracturing operation (HYDRAULIC FRACTURING)
- Simulation of propellant gas fracturing (PGF)
- Estimation of penetration depth
- Estimation of the length and opening of the gaps created around the well
- Estimation of the amount of damage around the well (SKIN) and the efficiency factor
Innovations carried out by ESTD Company, on two products, RETINA Simulation and RETINA Stimulation:
- Full development of the CPR-AMG solver
- Parallel execution of simulations
- Simulation completely consistent with the physics of the problem
- Implementation of the advanced model for solving well equations
- Implementation of the new Hysteresis calculation template for tanks with complex pressure conditions
- A new algorithm has been implemented in the company to improve Hysteresis calculations, which gives consistent and close to reality results for reservoirs with complex pressure conditions.
- Implementation of the new concept of dynamic Rock Typing in reservoir simulation
- Modeling of the new well meshing method using the dynamic under-equilibrium method (PURE)